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Ethical Channel

Last updated: November 21, 2024

  • Domain name:
  • Company name: Blue Banana Brand, S.L.
  • Trade name: Blue Banana
  • Registered office: Avda. Córdoba, Nº 21, C.P. 28026 Madrid
  • NIF (Tax ID): B87541827
  • Email:
  • Registration details: Registered in the Madrid Commercial Register, Volume 24648, Folio 165, Section 8, Sheet H M 623267

What is our Ethical Channel and what is it for?

The Ethical Channel of Blue Banana Brand is an accessible channel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for all employees at BB. It offers employees and potential partners the opportunity to report unethical or illegal practices within the organization that could pose a risk to the company. The aim is to fight against these practices by allowing reports to be made in a safe, anonymous, and confidential manner. This service is not intended for customer service complaints or queries (for this please refer to the following section of the website or to; its purpose is to receive reports related to discrimination, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, human rights violations, corrupt behavior, fraud, or any other irregularity that could affect the integrity of the company.

All reports will be handled fairly, impartially, and confidentially.

Who manages the Ethical Channel?

The Ethical Channel is managed by the People team along with our law firm, specializing in these matters, and Whistleblower Software.

How can I access the Ethical Channel?

Anyone who detects an irregularity and wishes to report it through the Ethical Channel can submit a report online by clicking on this link, as it is the most anonymous and confidential option. A formal complaint can also be submitted in writing or in person by contacting Laura Sol via email, phone, or Meet.

How does the Ethical Channel work?

Once submitted, the report is initially assessed to determine its validity and admissibility in accordance with our policies. If accepted, the case is assigned to a specialized manager who conducts a detailed and confidential internal investigation. The process includes gathering information, interviewing involved parties, and a thorough analysis of the situation. If necessary, corrective or disciplinary measures are implemented. Throughout the investigation, confidentiality is ensured, the rights of involved parties are protected, and applicable regulations are rigorously followed. The complainant will receive the necessary information about the resolution of their case within 3 months, in accordance with the Spanish Whistleblower Protection Law.

Commitment to anonymity and confidentiality of the Ethical Channel:

When submitting a communication to the Ethical Channel, you will be asked if you wish to share your identity. While we encourage you to communicate freely and share your identity, anonymous reports will also be accepted. All communications made in good faith will be kept confidential, in accordance with the law and good business practices.

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