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Enter as Explorer and enjoy the advantages of the club while you accumulate Xs to climb to Traveler and Adventurer.

Level 1 · 0 - 2499 Xs


Register and be part of AP with 250 Welcome Xs, a birthday gift in the form of Xs, discounts from brands, invitation to private sales, in-store events, and much more.

Level 2 · 2500 - 4999 Xs


Surpass 2500 and become a Traveler, a status in which all the advantages of Explorer await, combined with a welcome gift at the level, invitations to private consultations, brand events, and other surprises...

Level 3 · +5000 Xs


Get 5000 Xs and reach the top of AP, where you will enjoy all the perks of the previous levels, but with VIP privileges, in addition to premium customer service, access to private raffles, exclusive gifts...


Get Xs, buy, level up, and unlock the best adventures.







10% discount + 250 welcome Xs
1000 Xs per referral
Discount with partners
Private sales
Invitation to events
Private themed consultancy sessions
Upgrade gift
Free national shipping
Private raffles
VIP invitation to events
VIP Customer Service

Frequently asked questions

What is Adventure Pass?

Adventure Pass is the loyalty programme for the Blue Banana community. As a member, you can earn Xs that can be redeemed for discounts and benefits for your purchases and adventures around the world. So, log in to your account before placing an order, send us proof of your travels or receipts from our partners, leave us a review of your latest garment... There are many ways to earn Xs and climb the status ladder in the program.

What levels does Adventure Pass have?

Adventure Pass offers the Explorer level, for profiles with up to 2,500 Xs; Traveler, for those with more than 2,500 and less than 5,000 Xs, and Adventurer, for all those who add up to more than 5,000 Xs. Check the advantages associated with each level in the table called "All the benefits" that appears above.

How do I move from one level to another?

You don't have to do anything, once your account has generated the minimum Xs to upgrade your status, it will automatically update in your profile, unlocking all the benefits that correspond. You can spend the Xs you generate, we will keep track of them to level up when it's due.

How do I accumulate Xs?

There are Xs that will be added automatically to your account (those associated with purchases, reviews, birthdays...) and others that require a few days to be processed. Every time you make a purchase with our partners or have an X-worthy adventure, send us the proof in the form of a photo or receipt (it can be a ski pass, a skateboard receipt, an airplane ticket...), we will add your corresponding reward. Don't forget to do it through the mailbox we have set up in your private area.

¿Cómo funciona la recomendación dentro del programa?

Si eres miembro de Adventure Pass, puedes invitar a tus contactos a descubrir Blue Banana con un descuento de 20€ en compras superiores a 75€. Para que la oferta sea válida, el destinatario debe ser un cliente nuevo, es decir, no haber realizado compras previamente con su correo electrónico.

Para compartir la recomendación, simplemente usa tu enlace personal, disponible en tu perfil de Adventure Pass, en el área privada de la web o en la sección trasera/detalles de tu pase en el wallet. Cuando tu recomendado realice su compra, recibirás 1.000 Equis como recompensa. Estas se confirmarán en un plazo de 10 días y estarán disponibles para su uso.

Do I have to accumulate the Xs intact (without redeeming them) if I want to upgrade my status?

You will not move up to a higher status until you have generated enough Xs for each level, regardless of whether you have spent them or not. In other words, within a year of creating your Adventure Pass account, your activity should have generated enough Xs to move up a level, even if you have spent them along the way.

How do the Xs for sending a proof of adventure work?

When you log in to your account, you have a section where you can send us proof of your latest adventure and get 50 Xs for it: it can be a photo of your trip, the ski pass for your skiing days, the receipt of a surfboard... Remember that you can send us proof of one adventure per week and that they cannot be more than a month old.

How do the Xs for proof of purchase with partners work?

Send us proof of your purchase/booking with one of our partners through the mailbox you have in your private area. Once processed, we will credit 50 Xs to your account for purchases up to €25, and 100 Xs for those that exceed €25. Remember that you can send us proof of one purchase per week, and these should not be older than one month.

Can I get and redeem Xs in a physical store?

Yes! In all our own physical stores, you can enjoy the programme. The only exceptions are multi-brand stores (including El Corte Inglés) and the outlet.

I am missing some Xs. What should I do if I notice a problem with my Xs balance?

The Xs associated with purchases take 10 days to appear reflected; those corresponding to sending adventure proofs or partner purchase tickets, between 5 and 10 days. If you do not agree with your Xs balance, contact us through the "Help" section on our website.

How do I use my Xs?

In physical stores, our team can access your profile with your email to offer you the corresponding discounts. On the web, when you place an order, log in to your account and the discounts that correspond to you will appear. Remember that you will have to click on the one you are interested in, copy the generated code, and enter it at the time of payment.

What value does each X have?

Each X is equivalent to one cent of a euro. This means that 100 Xs are worth €1; 500 Xs are €5; 1000 Xs are €10, and so on.

Do the accumulated Xs in my account expire?

Yes. Pay attention because your total balance will expire 365 days after the last time you added Xs. That is, if you currently have 500 Xs and accumulate 250 more, you will have one year before your 750 Xs expire. If during that year you accumulate more Xs, we will reset the counter to zero and you will have another 365 days to spend them.

Can I have my status downgraded?

Yes. Once you reach a level, you must earn enough Xs to maintain it for the following 365 days. For example, if you move from Explorer to Traveler by generating 2,500 Xs, just one year later you will need to have generated another 2,500 Xs in your account to maintain your category. Remember that you can redeem the Xs during the year, the important thing is that you generate them.

Where can I see my level and my Xs?

Log in to your personal page and check your level and number of Xs, as well as other useful information such as order history or available discounts.

Can I use the Xs on Black Friday, sales, or promotions?

Yes, unless otherwise specified in a campaign. Note that the Xs are redeemed through codes that you must enter at the checkout. These codes are not compatible with other discount or free shipping codes.

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